Welcome to
Rolling Thunder®, Inc. Indiana Chapter #1
Family Members of Former Prisoner of War (POW) or Missing in Action (MIA) $1,000 Scholarship Opportunity The
Rolling Thunder® Indiana Chapter #1 is offering a $1,000 scholarship to a high
school senior or student receiving the GED seeking a higher education at an
accredited college, university, or trade school. The
applicant must be a resident of Indiana and have a verifiable family
relationship to a former Prisoner of War (POW) or an Missing in
Action (MIA). Please note that the deadline for submitting your application is April 30, 2025. For
detail on the scholarship program and copy of the the application, click on the below link. Scholarship Program
and Application
Thunder®, Inc. Indiana Chapter #1 XXXVII Ride
for Freedom
Thunder® Indiana Chapter #1 will have their annual Ride for Freedom on Monday
May 26, 2025 to honor our Fallen and those that went off to battle and haven’t
returned home.
War-Fighters are Missing in Action (MIA), their whereabouts are only known to GOD, and
their fate is yet to be determined. These American Heroes, and their Families,
must NEVER BE FORGOTTEN. The program to be held at the Veterans National Memorial Shrine and Museum located at 2122 O'Day Road, Fort Wayne, IN 46818. 
Staging will be available at the Fort Harrison Veterans
Center And Harley Davidson of Fort Wayne Lunch Sponsored and Provided By 
Click on the following link for staging information: Staging Information Click on the following link for the Registration Form: Registration Form Click on the following link for a copy of the event Flyer: Event Flyer
POW*MIA Chair of Honor Program Lucas Oil Stadium Dedicated November 2, 2014

Rolling Thunder® Indiana Chapter #1 has dedicated several POW*MIA Chairs of Honor throughout the State of Indiana. The
placement of these special chairs are in honor of those who answered the call
to duty and have yet to return to family and home, who are listed among the
Prisoners of War (POW) and those Missing in Action (MIA).
special Chairs of Honor are physical symbols of the 80,000 American Service
Members who are listed as Unaccounted-For Nationwide since WWII. Indiana alone
has 104 MIAs from WWI, 1,498 from WWII, 169 from the Korean War, and 51 from the Vietnam War.
Chairs of Honor are reserved as a seat of honor that THEY ARE NOT FORGOTTEN”.
To view the POW*MIA Chairs of Honor that Rolling Thunder® Indiana Chapter #1 has installed, click on the following link: POW*MIA Chairs of Honor
Rolling Thunder® Mission Statement
major function of Rolling Thunder®, Inc. is to
publicize POW-MIA issues. To educate the public that many American
Prisoners of War were left behind after all past wars and to help
correct the past and to protect future veterans from being left behind
should they become Prisoners of War-Missing In Action. We are also
committed to helping American veterans from all wars.”
 Chapter Calendar of EventsMessage
from the President
you for taking the time to visit our web site. The above mission
statement tells you what Rolling Thunder®, Inc. Indiana Chapter #1 is
all about. Rolling Thunder®, Inc. Indiana Chapter 1 is a
group of
American Citizens - Veterans and non-Veterans - that have a strong
belief that there are still several unresolved Prisoner of War (POW)
and Missing In Action (MIA) cases from all past wars that need to be
fully investigated, especially Vietnam.
Some people are under the impression that Rolling Thunder®, Inc. is a
Motorcycle Club. Rolling
Thunder®, Inc. is not a motorcycle club,
but a group of Veterans and non-Veterans that help bring awareness to
the public that we still have War-Fighters that have not come home and
they must NOT be
Some of us ride Motorcycles because they make noise and get people’s
attention. Once we get their attention, we can tell them about our
POW/MIA mission and what the Chapter is doing to help our Indiana
War-Fighters and Veterans.
Rolling Thunder®, Inc. has four
Chapters within Indiana. All four Chapters are involved in bringing
awareness to the public about POWs, MIAs, and helping our Indiana
Veterans in need.
Rolling Thunder® Indiana uses several
tools to help bring awareness to the public. Some of these tools
include, the Missing Man Table ceremony, the Roll Call ceremony, the
Indiana POW/MIA License Plate, POW/MIA Flag Raising Ceremonies, and the
POW*MIA Chair of Honor displays.
Rolling Thunder® Indiana
Chapter 1 has installed POW*MIA Chairs of Honor in multiple venues
throughout Indiana. The purpose of these special Chairs of Honor is remind the public that
not all of our War-Fighters have come home and they MUST NOT be FORGOTTEN.
They also send a message to the love ones of our POWs and MIAs that
their love one will not be forgotten. We hope to install many more of
these special Chairs of Honor throughout Indiana. Listed above are the
POW*MIA Chairs of Honor that the Chapter has dedicated to date. If you would like to have a POW*MIA Chair of Honor in your venue, please contact me at the below email address.
Indiana POW/MIA License Plate is another important tool that Rolling
Thunder® Indiana has to help bring awareness to the public about our
POWs and MIAs. 100% of the proceeds collected from the sale of the
POW/MIA License Plate is deposited into the Indiana Military Family
Relief Fund (MFRF), which is used to provide our Indiana War-Fighters,
Veterans, and their families a helping hand when needed. The Indiana
POW/MIA License Plate is available through the Bureau of Motor Vehicle
(BMV). Please ask for the POW/MIA License Plate the next time you visit
the BMV.
The Chapter is very active with our POW/MIA mission
and I hope that you will consider attending one of our Chapter meetings
to see what we are all about. Please take a few minutes and scroll down
the menu bar to the left of the webpage for more information
our Chapter. Our Chapter Calendar of Events is located under the Chapter Activities
menu, or you can click on the below Link.
Sponsorship Program
Rolling Thunder® Indiana Chapter #1 is
a nonprofit organization and relies on donations from Sponsors and
Individuals to have the necessary funds to carry on with our POW/MIA
mission and special projects like the POW*MIA Chairs of Honor.
you feel that our mission is important, and needs to carry on, please
consider being a sponsor or make an in-kind donation. Please click on
the below URL to get the details on our sponsorship program.
Rolling Thunder® Indiana Chapter #1 Sponsorship Program
Chapter Calendar of Events Rolling
Thunder® Indiana Chapter #1 is a very active Chapter has a lot of events
throughout the year. These events are open to the public and everyone is
welcome to attend our events.
Please click on the
below link to review our upcoming events.
Again, thank you for visiting our web site and I hope to see you at our
next Chapter meeting.